Order No. 1168 on import of food with special restrictions and on penal provisions for the violation of various EU laws.
Type of law
This Order applies to imports into Denmark and imports via Denmark to another country commercial food, which is subject to particular restrictions. The Order does NOT apply to non-food of animal origin imported from other EU Member States and released for free circulation as listed in Section IV. If these are freely circulating in Denmark, provisions of regulations for certain contaminants in foodstuffs and the relevant EU legislation in this area shall apply. Regarding imports of food of animal origin, the provisions of this Order shall be implemented in conjunction with regulations pertaining veterinary inspections on imports of food of animal origin and criminal penalties for violation of the related EU legislation. Certain food is not eligible for import in Denmark, however these restrictions are revoked in cases pest and disease tests on the imported commodities have been carried out by approved laboratories and resulting harmless to human health. The following is subject to said control testing: mussels or living fish and mussels transported in water from Albania for Cholera (Chapters 3) for histamine on Scombridae, Clupeidae, Coryfenidae, Pomatomidae and Scombresosidae (Chapter 4). Crustaceans from Bangladesh for chloramphenicol, metabolites of nitrofurans, tetracycline, malachite green and crystal violet (Chapter 5), for classic swine pest in meat from Bulgaria (Chapter 6) and mouth and foot disease (Chapter 7). It is forbidden to import fish products from the Republic of Guinea (Chapter 9), aquaculture products from India if not tested for pests, particularly for chloramphenicol, metabolites of nitrofurans, tetracycline, malachite green and crystal violet (Chapter 10), for aflatoxins and pentachlorophenol (Chapter 32) and pesticides (Chapter 33), for African swine pest originating from Italy (Chapters 11), for melamine in milk- and soya-based food, animal food originating from fish and aquaculture products, non-EU approved and GMO commodities from China (Chapters 14-15, 35-36), for classic swine pest from Croatia (Chapter 16), for African and classical swine pest from Latvia (Chapters 17-18), African swine pest from Lithuania (Chapter 19). Danish Veterinary and Food Administration lays down the procedures for measures taken pursuant to hormones found in meat and meat products (Mexico, Chapter 20) and related to the documentation submitted at border inspection posts for the authorization of its import. For chloramphenicol from Myanmar (Chapter 21), for hepatitis A from Peru (Chapter 22), for African swine pest from Poland (Chapter 23), for classic swine pest from Romania (Chapter 24), avian influenza, subtype H5N1 from Switzerland (Chapter 25), for antimicrobial substances, nitrofurans and their metabolites from Thailand (Chapter 26), Escherichia coli and marine biotoxins from Turkey (Chapter 27), for salmonella from Bangladesh (Chapter 30), for ochratoxin from Canada (Chapter 31). Radioactive substances from Japan and other third countries (Chapter 12, 34), for aflatoxins from USA (Chapters 37) and other third countries for aflatoxins, pathogens and radioactivity in food and various other contaminants (Chapters 38-41). Penalties for non-compliance with the Order s provisions are listed under Chapter 42.
The Order consists of 43 Chapters distributed in V Sections, and 1 Appendix: Scope and definitions (I); Food of animal origin single restrictions (II); Non-animal food prior notification and rules related to undisclosed parties (III); Non-animal food single restrictions (IV); Penalties and entry into force provisions (V).
Appendix 1 - Border inspection posts for composite foods containing milk, milk products, soya or soya products originating from China.
The Order consists of 43 Chapters distributed in V Sections, and 1 Appendix: Scope and definitions (I); Food of animal origin single restrictions (II); Non-animal food prior notification and rules related to undisclosed parties (III); Non-animal food single restrictions (IV); Penalties and entry into force provisions (V).
Appendix 1 - Border inspection posts for composite foods containing milk, milk products, soya or soya products originating from China.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
6 November 2014.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Bekendtg relse om indf rsel af f devarer med s rlige restriktioner og om straffebestemmelser for overtr delse af diverse EU-retsakter.
Amended by