Order No. 1711 listing approved varieties of agricultural plants, fruit plants and vegetable species (Sort List).
Type of law
This Order is regulated by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark sets regulations on the registration of seed varieties based on official inspection by the TystofteFund (Fund for new varieties and seeds) or by an equivalent accredited institution in other EU Member States. The review of a variety of species covered by the Directives on seeds, vegetable seeds and on breeding of potatoes, shall be included on a sorting list submitted to the Fund. The Ministry shall only register genetically modified varieties if approved for cultivation in the European Union.
The Order consists of 7 Chapters: Notification of sorting list recordings (1); Registration to the sorting list (2); Testing of varieties (3); Maintenance of breeding (4); Cessation of sorting list approval (5); Public disclosure (6); Entry into force (7).
The Order consists of 7 Chapters: Notification of sorting list recordings (1); Registration to the sorting list (2); Testing of varieties (3); Maintenance of breeding (4); Cessation of sorting list approval (5); Public disclosure (6); Entry into force (7).
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 January 2017.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Den fulde tekst Bekendtg relse om en fortegnelse over godkendte sorter af landbrugsplante-, frugtplante- og gr nsagsarter (sortslisten).