Council Directive 76/160/EEC concerning the quality of bathing water.
Type of law
This Directive concerns the quality of bathing water, with the exception of water intended for therapeutic purposes and water used in swimming pools. For the purposes of this Directive, "bathing water" means all running or still fresh waters or parts thereof and sea water, in which bathing is explicitly authorized by the competent authorities of each member State, or bathing is not prohibited and is traditionally practised by a large number of bathers. Further, article 1 lays down the definitions of bathing area and bathing season too. The physical, chemical and microbiological parameters applicable to bathing water are indicated in the Annex hereby attached. The competent authorities in the Member States shall carry out sampling operations, the minimum frequency of which is laid down in the Annex. Article 10 provides for the establishment of a Committee on Adaptation to Technical Progress.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Directive came into force on 25 February 1976.
The Annex is not available.
Serial Imprint
Official Journal L 31, 5 February 1976, pp. 1-7.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by