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Artificial Insemination of Cattle (Animal Health) (England and Wales) Regulations 1985 (S.I. No. 1861 of 1985).

Type of law

These Regulations relate to animal health aspects of artificial insemination. They provide for the issuing and withdrawal of approvals by the Minister of bulls for the use of artificial insemination. Approvals may be subject to one or more conditions, the most frequent of which are outlined in these Regulations. They prohibit collection, evaluation, processing or storage of semen except under a licence. Artificial insemination may only be carried out by veterinary surgeons and by certain other specified persons. The Regulations do not apply to the use of raw semen in cows belonging to the owner of the bull from which the semen came, or an embryo transfer unit in respect of which Ministers have granted an exemption.
The 28 Regulations are divided into 7 Parts: Introductory (I); Approval of bulls (II); Licences (III); Collection, evaluation and processing of semen (IV); Storage, supply and use of semen (V); Farm storage servicing (VI); General (VII).
Date of text
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment