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Regulation on waste management.

Type of law

This Regulation, based on the provisions of the Croatian Law on waste management, determines the following: 1. details of the proof of fulfillment of the conditions for entry into the Register of by-products and the content of the report on by-products; 2. content of the report of the reuse center; 3. content and form of the accompanying sheet and mandatory data on the accompanying sheet; 4. content of the statement on the way to use the public municipal waste collection service, the record of collected municipal waste and the notice of municipal waste collection; 5. way of performing waste management procedures; 6. list of types of waste that the person managing the recycling yard must accept free of charge; 7. methods of sampling and examination of the discomfort caused by the smell due to waste; 8. list of procedures for which a waste management permit is issued, application form and waste management permit form, and content of the waste management report; 9. recovery procedures and the method of carrying out recovery procedures for which no permit for waste management is issued, i.e. which are performed on the basis of entry in the Register of Collectors and Recoveries; 10. way of confirming the intention to perform waste management activities; 11. details of the financial guarantee, the method of determining the amount of the financial guarantee, the procedure of the competent authority regarding the financial guarantee and the method of calculating the amount of the financial guarantee or equivalent insurance for shipments subject to the notification procedure; 12. catalog of waste harmonized with the List of waste from the Act, and hazardous properties of waste; 13. the method of calculating waste management goals and the reports submitted to the European Commission. An integral part of this text are also: 1. Appendix I. Waste sheet; 2. Appendix II. List of types of waste that the person managing the recycling yard is obliged to receive; 3. Appendix III. Statement on the origin of waste; 4. Appendix IV. Application form for issuing a permit for waste management; 5. Appendix V. Form of permit for waste management; 6. Appendix VI. Elaborate on waste management; 7. Appendix VII. The method of carrying out recovery procedures for which a waste management permit is not issued, and the types and quantities of waste that are allowed to be processed by these procedures; 8. Appendix VIII. Method of calculating the amount of the financial guarantee; 9. Appendix IX. The amount of the insurance policy and bank guarantee for the shipment of waste that is subject to the notification procedure; 10. Appendix X. Catalog of waste; 11. Appendix XI. Hazardous waste properties. This Regulation adopts the following acts of the European Union into the Croatian legislation: Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste and repealing certain Directives; and European Union Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control).
The text is divided into ten main thematic parts, which titles are as follows: Part One-Introductory provisions; Part Two-Waste prevention; Part Three-Supporting sheet; Part Four-Public municipal waste collection service; Part Five-Conditions for waste management; Part Six-Performing waste collection, recovery and disposal activities; Part Seven-Financial guarantee for waste management; Part Eight-Categorization of waste; Part Nine-Waste management objectives and reporting; Part Ten-Transitional and final provisions.
The conditions for waste management are general waste management conditions and special waste management conditions prescribed by this Regulation and special regulations governing the management of special categories of waste. General conditions of waste management are conditions that must be met by every legal entity and natural person - tradesman when performing an activity, procedure or technological process of waste management. Special conditions for waste management are conditions for the performance of certain procedures and technological processes, prescribed by this text and other relevant regulations governing the management of a special category of waste, which must be met by the legal entity and the natural person - craftsman who performs the procedure waste management.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This text entered into force eight days after its publication in the Official Gazette (published on 14 September 2022).
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 106/2022
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Pravilnik o gospodarenju otpadom.