Decree-law No. 30 of 1977 and Decree No. 44 of 1977 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition implementing the Decree-law on fishing.
Type of law
Date of original text
The Decree-law and implementing Decree, including amnedments as at 1993, provide comprehensive regulation of fisheries and fishing activity. They apply to the taking of fish or other useful aquatic species, to fisheries (including protection and collection of spawn, aquaculture, protection of fish stock, marketing of fish), and to angling. The State has exclusive fishing rights, except on fish ponds and rice fields used by fishing cooperatives, agricultural production cooperatives or specialized agricultural cooperatives, and in waters on land owned or used by private citizens. The exploitation of public fishing rights is the duty of the Minister of Agriculture and Nutrition, by surrender of the right without time limit to state-owned companies or publicly-financed organs, to cooperatives and to the Hungarian National Angling Association. Fishing is to be performed in accordance with modern fishing requirements according to plans and is subject to various types of licences. In artificial waters, fishing rights may be exercised only in accordance with the original purpose of the establishment. The Minister of Agriculture and Nutrition may establish general restrictions related to fishing methods, territory and seasons or restrictions related to certain species and may provide for the repopulation, transportation and marketing of fiss. Fishing rights surrendered by the State are not tradeable. In certain cases, fishing rights can be restricted or withdrawn. If done in the public interest, an indemnity is provided for. Fees paid for the issuance of licences go into the Fishing Fund.
Attached files
Date of consolidation/reprint
Law No. XLI of 1997 repealed the provisions of the Decree-Law as from 26.08.1997. The Ministerial Decree is repealed as from 04.11.1997.
Serial Imprint
Mezogazdasagi es Elelmezsugyi Ertesito, 15 June 1993, No. 10, pp. 386-398.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment