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Decree No. 89 of 1997 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the production and distribution of seeds.

Type of law
Date of original text

This Decree applies to the seeds of field crops, horticultural plants, herbs, aromatic plants, essential oil plants, ornamental plants and forest plant varieties, to the seed tuber of potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke. Natural and legal persons as well as commercial entities without legal personality which produce, process, distribute, use, classify and control seeds and seed tubers are subject to this Decree. Inspection is carried out by the Central Agricultural Office, appointed according to the OECD scheme, acting on behalf of the State. Only members of the Seed Council may produce seeds. Seeds must be produced, processed, distributed and used observing the provisions of this Decree and those regarding plant and nature protection in the case of protected species as well as other binding standards. The Decree regulates the authorization of seed imports and exports. Section V deals with the classification of seeds and related inspections, certification of origin, packaging and sampling for analysis purposes. Packaging and labelling are covered in section VI. Section VII provides rules on processing and distribution. Inspection and sanctions are covered by section VIII. This Decree implements EC legislation on these matters. Relevant Council and Commission Directives are listed at the end of the Decree.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Serial Imprint
Collection of Hungarian Rules of Law in Force.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment