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Law No. XCII of 1995 and implementing Decree No. 25 of 1996 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the production and marketing of feedstuffs.

Type of law
Date of original text

The intention of this Law is to ensure proper nutrient content in feedstuffs so as to further the exploitation of the genetic potential of farm animals, to preserve animal health, to ensure that products of animal origin meet quality requisites in respect of harm to human health and so as to safeguard the interest of feedstuffs users. This Law applies to the production, importation, marketing, utilization and quality control of all feedstuffs, their ingredients and additives and to natural persons, legal entities and business organizations without legal personality, dealing in the above activities. Provisions regarding classification procedures of new products or of imported products are laid down in articles 6-7. Packaging and marking are ruled in articles 8-9. Section III deals with special administrative organs and with their duties. These organs are: (i) the Ministry, (ii) the National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control, (iii) the territorially competent animal health station. Section IV regards offences and sanctions. Producers of feedstuffs that do not meet standards are liable to a penalty. The Decree provides detailed rules for the implementation of the Law. Article 29 of the implementing Decree establishes the Hungarian Feedstuffs Codex which is a collection of binding rules and recommended normas regarding feedstuffs.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Annexes of the implementing Decree are published separately and recorded under No. 7170.
Serial Imprint
Compendium of Hungarian Rules of Law in Force.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment