Law on territorial planning (No. I-1120).
Type of law
Date of original text
This Law regulates the territorial planning of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea and determines the rights and obligations of the persons participating in this process. The purpose of this Law is to ensure the harmonious development of territories and rational urbanization, by establishing the requirements for the systematicity of territorial planning process decisions, the compatibility and mutual impact of documents at different levels, to create conditions for the harmony of the natural and anthropogenic environment, urban quality, while preserving the valuable landscape, biological diversity, natural and cultural heritage values. This Law establishes state supervision of territorial planning and state construction supervisory procedures, supervisory authorities, their competences, responsibilities and rights. The territory of application of this Law is the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, its Exclusive Economic Zone and the continental shelf. Officials of state planning supervisory authorities must: (a) issue mandatory instructions in the cases established by this Law; (b) inform these entities or institutions after identifying the violations that should be investigated by the relevant public administration entities or law enforcement institutions within their competence; (c) constantly improve their qualification in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts; and (d) perform other functions established by legal acts. Territorial planning is described as a process and procedure of land use planning in article 2. The objectives of territorial planning are outlined in article 3. Articles 4 to 20 concern territorial planning at national, county, and municipal level. Planning shall be: general or "master" (arts. 5-10); special (arts. 1-14), or; detailed (arts. 15-20). There shall be master plans for each of the specified territorial subdivisions. Master planning shall establish priorities, objectives and strategies for the territory in question. Special planning aims at formulating programmes, conditions and solutions of development and management of one or several types of activities and land areas. Detailed planning means planning of (a part) of municipal territory so as to establish conditions, obligations and rights relative to the use of a specific land plot and for developing activities on it. A Territorial Planning Date Bank is established (art. 21) and authorities responsible for administration of planning appointed (art. 23). The remaining part of this Act provides for transparency of planning procedures (arts. 25 to 29), supervision by state supervisory bodies of territorial planning (arts. 30 to 32), and for indemnification of damages and liability resulting from violation of provisions of this Law (art. 33). Territorial planning norms shall be intended the provisions of the legal acts of the Government or its authorized institutions, which determine the quantitative and qualitative requirements of territorial planning, which are applied in the process of preparation of territorial planning documents. The procedure for the state supervision of territorial planning and the examination of complaints and disputes between participants in the territorial planning process or complaints of persons regarding possible violations of this law, of persons whose interests may be violated, is determined by the Law on State Supervision of Territorial Planning, Construction and Land Use of the Republic of Lithuania. Decisions of the general plan of the state territory must be prepared according to the concept of the general plan of the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. The object of the state territory general plan is the territory of the Republic of Lithuania (including the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea). The general plan of the state territory is valid indefinitely.
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Date of consolidation/reprint
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Amended by