Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances.
Type of law
In compliance with the objectives and principles of the Community s environmental policy, this Directive is aimed at the prevention of major accidents which involve dangerous substances, and the limitation of their consequences for man and the environment, with a view to ensuring high levels of protection throughout the Community in a consistent and effective manner. The Directive shall apply to establishments where dangerous substances are present in quantities equal to or in excess of the quantities listed in Annex I, Parts 1 and 2, column 2, with the exception of articles 9, 11 and 13, which shall apply to any establishment where dangerous substances are present in quantities equal to or in excess of the quantities listed in Annex I, Parts 1 and 2, column 3. The Directive shall not apply to the establishments and substances (such as hazards created by ionizing radiation) referred to in article 4. Article 5 concerns general obligations of operators. In particular, operators are required to notify the competent authorities as per article 6. Further obligations of the operator regard the drawing up of a major-accident prevention policy (art. 7), the elaboration of a safety report (art. 9), the elaboration of emergency plans (art. 11), supply of information following a major accident (art. 14). For the purpose of prevention and mitigation of major accidents, Member States shall inform the Commission as soon as practicable of major accidents meeting the criteria of Annex VI which have occurred within their territory. They shall provide it with the details specified in article 15. Article 12 deals with land use planning. Article 18 regulates inspection; article 19 concerns information system and exchange. Article 22 provides for the setting up of a special Committee which shall be in charge of the effective implementation of this Directive. The following Annexes are attached: (I) Application of the Directive; (II) Minimum data and information to be considered in the safety report specified in article 9; (III) Principles referred to in article 7 and information referred to in article 9 on the management system and the organization of the establishment with a view to the prevention of major accidents; (IV) Data and information to be included in the emergency plans specified under article 11; (V) Items of information to be communicated to the public as provided for in arrticle 13 (1); (VI) Criteria for the notification of an accident to the Commission as provided for in article 15 (1).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Directive came into force on 3 February 1997.
Serial Imprint
Official Journal L 10, 14 January 1997, pp. 13-33.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by