Law on waste management.
Type of law
The purpose of this Law is to prescribe procedures regarding waste management, in order to protect human life and health, the environment, and the property of persons. This Law does not apply to: a) gaseous effluents emitted into the atmosphere; b) radioactive waste; animal carcasses, as well as manure and other substances of animal origin which are generated or are utilized in agriculture; c) waste waters, except for waste in liquid form; d) explosives; e) waste resulting from prospecting, extraction, recovery and storage processes regarding mineral deposits. The Act consists of 8 Chapters and contains the Transitional Provisions. Chapter 1 lays down the general provisions. Chapter 2 determines the competence of State and Local Governmental Authorities. Chapter 3 regards waste management plans. Chapter 4 regards waste management permits. Chapter 5 establishes the duties of producers of waste, holders, and those persons who perform waste management. Chapter 6 establishes payment regarding waste management. Chapter 7 deals with transboundary movement of waste.
Attached files
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The Law enters into force on 1 March 2001.
Section 14, Paragraph 1, Clause 3 of this Law shall come into force on 1 January 2004. Reference number of the Act is unavailable.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Amended by
Implemented by
Repealed by