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Regulation No. 1831 on capture-based aquaculture.

Type of law

The purpose of this Regulation is to facilitate the capture-based aquaculture and promote equitable supply of good quality fresh fish, fish health and welfare. The operations shall be technically, biologically and environmentally acceptable and applicants thereof are responsible for the biomass of aquaculture operations. The document applies to the Norwegian territorial land and waters, the continental shelf and to the Economic Zone whereby license for capture-based aquaculture is required. The Regulation does not apply to temporary cages for live storage of fish up to 12 weeks. Cleaning and disinfection of installation, production units and equipment shall occur regularly, while the installation must be emptied of fish by 31 December each year and fallowed for a minimum of two months.
Clearance by locality: Locality for capture-based aquaculture must be environmentally safe with particular emphasis on applicant's need for land, alternative use of areas for other activities, including aquaculture, and authorization is granted in adherence to Food Act, Animal Welfare Act, Pollution Act, Act No. 19.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 January 2015. Article 13, section 4 and art. 33, sect. 1 enter into force on 1 July 2015.
Art. 13 (section 4) Competence: Expertise required shall be documented through practical and theoretical training, which must be approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and should be reviewed every five years.Art. 33 (section 1) Reporting and Notification: Reporting of information each month shall take place on the number of fish, average weight and mortality for each production unit.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om fangstbasert akvakultur.