Decree-Law No. 318-91 regulating the production, control and certification of seeds of agricultural and horticultural species intended for marketing.
Type of law
The Decree-Law provides for the enforcement of principles set out in EC directives. Seed producers must hold a special licence. Seed Producer's statutes must be approved by Decree which defines, inter alia, requirements and procedures, regulations for the production and marketing of seeds of agricultural and horticultural species, and general seed certification requirements. Only certain categories of seed may be marketed: seed produced and certified under the present Decree-Law; in an EC or OECD Member State of the International Seed Testing Association. It consists of 11 articles dealing with the requirements to be met for placing on the market these seeds, specifying controls to be carried out, fees and requirements for obtaining the production certificate.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
This Decree-Law approves EEC Directives No. 66/400; No. 66/401; No. 66/402 of 14 June; No. 69/208 of 30 June and 70/458 of 29 September. It also revokes Decree-Law No. 269/81 of 17 September.
Serial Imprint
Di rio da Rep blica No. 193/91 (I-A), 23 August 1991, pp. 4388 and 4389.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto-Lei n. 318/91: Regula a actividade da produ o, controlo e certifica o de sementes de esp cies agr colas e hort colas destinadas comercializa o. Transp e para a ordem jur dica interna diversas directivas comunit rias relativas a esta mat ria.
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