Document of the Preservation and Environmental Protection Department on the environmental protection standards. 03 Aug 1982 | Saudi Arabia Legislation Miscellaneous FAOLEX Keywords: Pollutants Download: sau8848.pdf
Technical Regulation for Degradable Plastic Products 14 Oct 2016 | Saudi Arabia Legislation Legislation Download: saso-technical-regulations-english.pdf
Cabinet Resolution No.35 of 2003 on the trade of agricultural fertilizers, issued by Royal Decree No. M/4 of 2002 (1423 Hegira). 20 Apr 2002 | Saudi Arabia Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: sau140161.pdf
Organic Agriculture Act, issued by Royal Decree No. M/55 of 2014 (1435 Hegira). 14 Jul 2014 | Saudi Arabia Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: sau140200.pdf
Environmental Act No. 193, promulgated by Royal Decree No. M/34 of 2001 (1422 Hegira). 25 Sep 2001 | Saudi Arabia Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: sau138926.pdf
Implementing Regulation of the Environmental Act No. 193 of 2001. 01 Jan 2001 | Saudi Arabia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: sau138931.pdf
Regional Convention for the Conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment 1982. 14 Feb 1982 | Sudan Jordan Saudi Arabia State of Palestine Yemen Somalia Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: mul79902.pdf
Protocol Concerning Regional Cooperation in Combating Pollution by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency 1982. 14 Feb 1982 | Sudan Jordan Saudi Arabia State of Palestine Yemen Somalia Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: mul79904.pdf
Agreement on Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Federal Republic of Brazil and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 16 May 2009 | Brazil Saudi Arabia Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: bi-112340.pdf