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Law on renewable energy sources and high efficiency cogeneration.

Type of law

This Law regulates the planning and enforces the encouragement of production and consumption of electricity produced in production plants using renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration technology. The text is divided into teen Chapters and 57 articles. Titles of Chapters are as follows: (I) General provisions; (II) National objective of use of energy from renewable energy, national action plan for renewable energy sources; (III) Competition for the right of construction of a production plant using renewable energy sources or high-efficient cogeneration on state land; (IV) Register of production plants using renewable energy sources and cogeneration plants and authorized operators; (V) Status of authorized electricity producer; (VI) Measures for the promotion of renewable energy sources and high-effective cogeneration; (VII) Collection and calculation of incentives; (VIII) Supply of electricity from end buyers with own electricity production sources; (IX) Demonstration projects; (X) Eco-balance group; (XI) Supervision; (XII) Penalty measures; and (XIII) Transitional and final provisions.
Issue of international cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources and other issues of importance for the use of renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration are all also here defined. This text further establishes the necessary incentive measures for the production of electricity deriving from renewable energy sources and/or high-efficiency cogeneration; and regulates the implementation of such incentive system. Industrial power plant and other type of facility construction issues are also here provided, including rules on the keeping of related register of Croatian renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration projects.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law enters into force on 1 January 2016, with the exception of article 40 which shall enter into force on 1 January 2017.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 100/2015
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakon o obnovljivim izvorima energije i visokou inkovitoj kogeneraciji.