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Presidential Decree No. 433 implementing Directives 96/51/EC, 98/51/EC and 99/20/EC concerning additives in feedingstuffs.

Type of law


The Ministerial Decree regulates the preparation, marketing, distribution and use of additives, premixtures and feedinsgstuffs. The provisions of the Decree shall not apply to feed additives and premixtures nor to feedingstuffs intended for export. Additives for feedingstuffs may be put in circulation only upon Community authorization issued by Regulation of the European Commission. The authorization shall be granted by following the procedure regulated by article 4 and under certain conditions. In particular, additives must not cause hazards to animal and human health nor to the environment. Article 3, paragraph 8 lays down the circumstances that shall be ground of the withdrawal of the authorization. When genetically modified microorganisms are contained in additives, the latter shall be subject to speficic assessments.
By way of derogation from articles 3 and 10 of the Decree, the Ministry of Health may authorize exclusively for scientific experimentation purposes the use of non approved additives and the use of additives under conditions other than those hereby established. Such particular uses shall be subject to particular checks carried out by the local health authorities. Article 12 makes provision on the additives and premixtures conservation methods. Only enterprises and intermediaries which meet the requirements laid down in Legislative Decree No. 123 of 13 April 1999 may use and put into circulation feed additives, feed premixtures and feedingstuffs. Articles 16-18 specify the information to be provided in the labels. Article 20 concerns inspection. Four Annexes are attached.
Date of text
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Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment