Regulation No. 1775 regulating herring-fishing in the North Sea and Skagerrak in 2015.
Type of law
The Regulation sets guidelines on marine fishing (herring) for the year 2015 and in the North Sea and Skagerrak. The document lists authorization of fishing methods and areas for the fishing of herring, including quotas and total allowable catch. It is prohibited for Norwegian vessels to fish and land herring in 2015 in: a) the North Sea (Norway's territorial waters and economic zone south of 62 N and in EU waters in ICES statistical area IVa and Ivb). In b) Skagerrak, four nautical miles off the Swedish and Danish shores. However, Norwegian vessels are pemitted to participate, fish and land a maximum of 130 960 tons of herring in Norwegian waters in the North Sea (of which 590 tons allocated 590 for research and education purposes) - of this total quota, a maximum of 50 000 tons fished in EU waters in the North Sea is authorized. And a maximum of 2 908 tons of herring is allowed to be caught in the Skagerrak. Vessels with purse seine license (see article 4-1 of Licensing Regulation No. 1157) may fish and land up 106 489 tons of herring south of 62 N. Geographic exclusion areas and settlement of quota are listed under article 24.
The Regulation consists of VI Chapters: Chapter Overview (I); Fishing in purse group (II); Fishing in trawl group (III); Fishing in coastal vessel group (IV); Common provisions (V); Administrative fines, penalties and entry into force (VI).
The Regulation consists of VI Chapters: Chapter Overview (I); Fishing in purse group (II); Fishing in trawl group (III); Fishing in coastal vessel group (IV); Common provisions (V); Administrative fines, penalties and entry into force (VI).
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
1 January 2015 with validity to 31 December 2015.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Forskrift om regulering av fisket etter sild i Nordsj en og Skagerrak i 2015.