Act no. 488/2002 on veterinary care and amendming certain acts.
Type of law
The Act establishes: (i) veterinary requirements to ensure animal health and conditions applicable to hatching eggs, semen, ova and embryos; (ii) veterinary requirements for products of animal origin in the interest of animal health protection; (iii)veterinary requirements for live animals and products of animal in the interest of human health protection; (iv) rights and obligations of natural persons and legal persons concerning veterinary care; (v) rules on the structure and functioning of State administration organs dealing with veterinary care; (vi) penalties. The Act is composed of the following Sections: (1) Introductory provisions; (2) State administration dealing with veterinary matters and administration of specialized veterinary activities; (3) Veterinary requirements for live animals, seminal products and products of animal origin; (4) Obligations of legal persons and natural persons concerning veterinary care; (5) Compensation of harms and expenses in cases of diseases of animals and charges for veterinary inspection and veterinary control; (6) Offences and penalties; (7) Common, temporary and final provisions.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
The Act enters into force on 1 January 2003.
Serial Imprint
Collection of Laws No. 488 of 2002.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakon o veterinarnej starostlivosti a o zmene niektorych zakonov.
Implemented by
Repealed by