Displaying 16 - 30 of 32
Global Judicial Handbook on Environmental Constitutionalism (3rd Edition)
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law
Support in the development and implementation of environmental rule of law, consistent with decision 27/9 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme
Environmental Governance and Rights
This Handbook is designed to provide jurists with an overview of environmental constitutionalism: we address what it is, the peculiar practical and procedural issues it presents, and how courts from around the globe have engaged it.
2019 Update on the Global Status of Legal Limits on Lead in Paint
Chemicals and Waste
As of 30 September 2019, 73 countries have legally binding controls to limit the production, import and sale of lead paints, which is 38% of all countries. In many countries, using lead paint in homes and schools is not prohibited, creating a significant risk of children’s exposure to lead. The most effective means of preventing lead exposure from paints is to establish national laws, including legislation, regulations and/or legally binding standards as appropriate, that ban the use of lead additives in paints. Countries that have not yet done so are urged to enact and enforce effective
Safe Climate: A Report of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment
Support the development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
This is a report of good practices demonstrating that effective actions are available to simultaneously address climate change and protect human rights. Drawn from every continent and featuring more than 60 States and a wide range of actors, the good practices in this report are intended to inspire ambitious action to address the global climate emergency.
Strengthening legal frameworks for licit and illicit trade in wildlife and forest products
Support the development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law
Biological Diversity
Trade and Investment
Environmental Governance and Rights
The publication takes stock and gives a ‘gap analysis’ of the current status of institutions and legal frameworks relating to the regulation of licit trade, and the prevention, detection and penalization of illicit trade, in wildlife and forest products. It also highlights useful components of existing instruments and possible issues with the content of those instruments, which could benefit from future attention by the executive, legislative and judicial branches of national governments.
Guide to the Ratification and Accession to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Equitable Sharing
Support the development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues
Support enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law
Biological Diversity
Environmental Governance and Rights
The Guidebook is a “how to” guide on the steps towards ratification of, acceptance of, approval of or accession to, the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization.
Assessment of post: 2010 National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law
Support enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law
Biological Diversity
Environmental Governance and Rights
This assessment report gives a snapshot of how countries have progressed in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans development and national implementation since the pre-2010 National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans assessment carried out by the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies3 and their readiness to meet the Aichi Targets. In particular, we examined Parties’ readiness to mainstream biodiversity concerns across sectoral and cross-sectoral plans and policies.
Green Customs Guide to Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law
Support enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law
Trade and Investment
Environmental Governance and Rights
This guide provides an overview of the multilateral environmental agreements, their requirements related to trade in environmentally sensitive substances and commodities, and the role of customs officers and border control officers in facilitating legal trade and preventing illegal trade. Hence, the customs and border control officers will know better what to look for, why they are looking for it, what the implications of uncontrolled or illegal trade are and whom to contact for more specialized assistance.
Assessing Environmental Impacts: A Global Review of Legislation
Support the development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law
Environmental Governance and Rights
This report provides an overview of the current status of national legislation and institutional arrangements of relevance to EIAs and SEAs across the globe, as well as emerging issues and trends. It does this primarily through providing examples from a wide selection of countries of their EIA/SEA arrangements and in relation to the different steps of the EIA/SEA processes. These steps include: (1) Screening; (2) Scoping and Impact Analysis; (3) Review of the EIA/SEA report; (4) Decision-making; (5) Follow-up and Adaptive Management and (6) Public Participation as a cross-cutting issue.
Single-Use Plastics: A Roadmap for Sustainability
Chemicals and Waste
The benefits of plastic are undeniable. The material is cheap, lightweight and easy to make. These qualities have led to a boom in the production of plastic over the past century. This trend will continue as global plastic production skyrockets over the next 10 to 15 years. We are already unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, unless we rethink the way we manufacture, use and manage plastics. Ultimately, tackling one of the biggest environmental scourges of our time will require governments to regulate, businesses to innovate and individuals to act. This paper sets out
Climate Finance Law: Legal Readiness for Climate Finance
Support the development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues
Support in the development and implementation of environmental rule of law, consistent with decision 27/9 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
This report summarizes the findings of the workshop Climate Finance Law: Legal Readiness for Climate Finance co-convened by King’s College London and UN Environment. The workshop is part of an ongoing partnership to stimulate collaborations and mutual learning between public and private stakeholders in developing and developed countries for trans-formational change, with an aim to provide a forum in which countries can assist each other to strengthen their national law and regulation to enable climate finance at the scale required for implementation of SDGs and Nationally Determined
Legal Limits on Single-Use Plastics and Microplastics: A Global Review of National Laws and Regulations
Support the development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues
Support enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law
Chemicals and Waste
Environmental Governance and Rights
This report provides a global overview on the progress of countries in passing laws and regulations that limit the manufacture, import, sale, use and disposal of selected single-use plastics and microplastics, causing marine litter.
The State of Knowledge of Crimes that have Serious Impacts on the Environment
Support the development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law
Support in the development and implementation of environmental rule of law, consistent with decision 27/9 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme
Environmental Governance and Rights
Biological Diversity
This is a report of an expert process involving experts nominated by governments, inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. The outcomes of the process are intended to contribute to the efforts aimed at developing a deeper knowledge and understanding of crimes that have serious impacts on the environment, as well as to the development and better implementation of responses to these crimes at the international, regional, and national levels.
The Status of Climate Change Litigation: A Global Review
Support the development of adequate and effective environmental legislation and legal frameworks to address environmental issues
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law
Climate and Atmosphere
Environmental Governance and Rights
Over the last decade, laws codifying national and international responses to climate change have grown in number, specificity, and importance. As these laws have recognized new rights and created new duties, litigation seeking to challenge either their facial validity or their particular application has followed. So too has litigation aimed at pressing legislators and policymakers to be more ambitious and thorough in their approaches to climate change.
International environmental law-making and diplomacy review
Strengthen the effective implementation of environmental law
Support enhanced capacity-building for increased effectiveness of environmental law
Environmental Governance and Rights
The publication is aimed at equipping present and future negotiators of MEAs with information and experiences of others in the area of international environmental law-making in order to improve the impact and implementation of these key treaties. The ultimate aim is to strengthen and build environmental negotiation capacity and governance worldwide.