Environmental Protection Act.
Type of law
This Act provides for environmental protection and sustainable development principles.
Environmental protection goals in creating the conditions for sustainable development are as follows: protection of human life and health; protection of flora and fauna, biological and landscape diversity and preservation of ecological stability; protection and improvement of the quality of individual environmental components; protection of the ozone layer and climate change mitigation; protection and restoration of cultural and aesthetic landscape values; prevention of major accidents involving dangerous substances; prevention and reduction of environmental pollution; continuous use of natural resources; rational use of energy and promoting the use of renewable energy sources; elimination of environmental pollution effects; improvement of the disturbed natural balance and restoration of its regeneration capabilities; achievement of sustainable production and consumption; phase-out and substitution of use of dangerous and harmful substances; sustainable use of natural assets, without significant damage or threat to the environment; and improvement of environmental status and securing a healthy environment.
This Act also sets forth provisions on sustainable development and environmental protection documents, instruments, monitoring, information system, access to environmental information, public participation in environmental matters, access to justice. It further lays down general provisions related to environmental policy, financing, and administrative and inspection supervision.
Environment is a factor of major and special interest for the Republic of Croatia and it is subject to a special protection Laws and measures. This Act further prescribes all related provisions to use when considering offences and penalties in terms of environmental protection. This Act does not apply to matters of liability of a polluter or company for property damages and other damages inflicted upon natural and legal persons.
This Act is divided into 15 Chapters and 239 articles.
Environmental protection goals in creating the conditions for sustainable development are as follows: protection of human life and health; protection of flora and fauna, biological and landscape diversity and preservation of ecological stability; protection and improvement of the quality of individual environmental components; protection of the ozone layer and climate change mitigation; protection and restoration of cultural and aesthetic landscape values; prevention of major accidents involving dangerous substances; prevention and reduction of environmental pollution; continuous use of natural resources; rational use of energy and promoting the use of renewable energy sources; elimination of environmental pollution effects; improvement of the disturbed natural balance and restoration of its regeneration capabilities; achievement of sustainable production and consumption; phase-out and substitution of use of dangerous and harmful substances; sustainable use of natural assets, without significant damage or threat to the environment; and improvement of environmental status and securing a healthy environment.
This Act also sets forth provisions on sustainable development and environmental protection documents, instruments, monitoring, information system, access to environmental information, public participation in environmental matters, access to justice. It further lays down general provisions related to environmental policy, financing, and administrative and inspection supervision.
Environment is a factor of major and special interest for the Republic of Croatia and it is subject to a special protection Laws and measures. This Act further prescribes all related provisions to use when considering offences and penalties in terms of environmental protection. This Act does not apply to matters of liability of a polluter or company for property damages and other damages inflicted upon natural and legal persons.
This Act is divided into 15 Chapters and 239 articles.
Attached files
Web site
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Act enters into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette, except for the provisions of article 37 paragraph 3 and article 72 paragraph 6 of this Act which shall enter into force on the day of Croatian accession to European Union.
Unofficial English translation.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakon o zastiti okolisa.
Implemented by
Repealed by