Regulation on the detailed content and manner for preparation of the plan for improvement of ambient air quality. 11 Jul 2014 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac208576.pdf
Regulation on the detailed content and the manner of preparation of short-term action plans for ambient air protection. 11 Jul 2014 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac208577.pdf
Regulation on the procedure for import and transit, the manner and procedure of conducting inspection and survey over the import and transit of animal by-products, the form and content of the animal health certificate or other documents accompanying the consignment of animal origin by-products, and the list of foreign countries from which the import and transit are approved. 07 May 2012 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac151578.pdf
Regulation amending the Regulation on the procedure for import and transit, the manner and procedure of conducting inspection and survey over the import and transit of animal by-products, the form and content of the animal health certificate or other documents accompanying the consignment of animal origin by-products, and the list of foreign countries from which the import and transit are approved. 11 Feb 2013 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac151579.pdf
Regulation amending the Regulation on the ban of import of live animals, products and animal by-products for protection against the introduction of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Republic of Macedonia originating in the Republic of Bulgaria. 25 Oct 2018 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac187927.pdf
Regulation amending the Regulation on the ban of import of live animals, products and animal by-products for protection against the introduction of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Republic of Macedonia originating in the Republic of Bulgaria. 09 Nov 2018 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac187928.pdf
Regulation amending the Regulation on the ban of import of live animals, products and animal by-products for protection against the introduction of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in the Republic of Macedonia originating in the Republic of Bulgaria. 18 Dec 2018 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac187929.pdf
Regulation amending the Regulation on the procedure for import and transit, the manner and procedure of conducting inspection and survey over the import and transit of animal by-products, the form and content of the animal health certificate or other documents accompanying the consignment of animal origin by-products, and the list of foreign countries from which the import and transit are approved. 25 Aug 2017 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac187681.pdf
Regulation amending the Regulation on the procedure for import and transit, the manner and procedure of conducting inspection and survey over the import and transit of animal by-products, the form and content of the animal health certificate or other documents accompanying the consignment of animal origin by-products, and the list of foreign countries from which the import and transit are approved. 24 Dec 2018 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac187685.pdf
Regulation on the colour and look of the uniform, the content of identification form, as well as the type of weapon for gamekeepers. 16 Nov 2009 | North Macedonia Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: mac221271.pdf