Veterinary Act No. 166/1999.
Type of law
Date of original text
This Act establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the European Community, conditions of veterinary care concerning breeding and health of animals and requirements for animal products, and lays down rights and obligations of physical and legal persons, as well as competences of the organ of the state administration dealing with the area of veterinary care. The text is composed of the following Sections: Basic provisions (Sec. 1); Health of animals and its protection (Sec. 2); Health effectiveness of animal products (Sec. 3); Veterinary requirements for trade, import, export and transit of animals and animal products (Sec. 4); Veterinary remediation (Sec. 5); State administration for the matters of veterinary care (Sec. 6); Professional veterinary activities (Sec. 7); Veterinary preparations and veterinary technical resources (Sec. 8); Compensation of losses and harms resulting from dangerous claims (Sec. 9); Sanctions (Sec. 10); Common, transitional and final provisions (Sec. 11).
Attached files
Web site
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
This Act entered into force on 28 September 1999.
Serial Imprint
Collection of Laws 166/1999
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Veterinarni zakon.
Amended by
Implemented by