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Freshwater Fishery Act.

Type of law

This Act, which is composed of 19 Sections, lays down provisions governing management of freshwater fisheries and fishery resources in inland waters. The main objectives of this Act are: (1) integrated planning and management of fish in the territorial areas; (2) facilitate the sustainable use of fish and fishing ethics; (3) planning, promotion and control of breeding of fish for restocking waters. The objectives of this Act also refer to: (1) conservation and protection of natural populations of fish, diversity of their species, age structure and abundance; (2) protection of endangered fish species and their communities; (3) preventing the introduction of alien fish species in inland waters and their dissemination; (4) protection and conservation of salmonid and cyprinid waters. Management of fisheries includes: planning, implementation of measures to maintain the favorable state of fish, the sustainable use of fish, keeping prescribed records and reporting, professional training on fishing, implementation of supervisory duties of fishery services, implementation of tasks and activities relating to fish deaths and others. The sustainable use of fish allows natural self-regeneration and long-term maintenance of fish without deterioration of the situation of plant and animal species.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Act entered into force on 28 June 2006.
Publication reference
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 98/1999-38/2013
Source language


Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakon o sladkovodnem ribi tvu.
Implemented by