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Council Directive 2000/75/EC laying down specific provisions for the control and eradication of bluetongue.

Type of law


This Directive sets forth control rules and measures to combat and eradicate bluetongue. Member States must ensure that when the bluetongue virus is suspected or confirmed, the competent authority is promptly and compulsorily informed. If a holding located in a region not subject to restrictions has one or more animals suspected of being infected with bluetongue, Member States must ensure that the official veterinarian immediately implements official methods of investigation to confirm or rule out the presence of the disease. As soon as notification is given, the official veterinarian must perform the duties listed out in article 4(2), which include: placing of the suspect holding under official surveillance; elaboration of an inventory of the animals and places concerned; carrying out epidemiological surveys; confinement of animals; destruction of carcases of animals dead at the infected holding. Further, article 6 establishes the measures to be undertaken when the presence of blue tongue is not simply suspected, but has been officially confirmed. Such measures shall cover slaughtering of infected animals, destruction of their carcases, quarantine. Epidemiological surveys shall be conducted in accordance with article 7. Moreover, the competent authority shall be obliged to demarcate a protection zone and a surveillance zone (art. 8). Experts from the Commission are entitled to carry out on-the-spot checks to verify the effective enforcement of this Directive (art. 17). Three Annexes are attached. Annex I contains the list of the bluetongue laboratories of the various Member States. Annex II describes the tasks which pertain to the Community reference laboratory for bluetongue. Annex III lays down minimum criteria applicable to the contingency plans to be drawn up by Member States in compliance with article 18.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Directive came into force on 11 January 2001.
Serial Imprint
Official Journal L 327, 22 December 2000, pp. 74 83.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by