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Decree-Law No. 178/2006 on waste management.

Type of law

This Decree, composed of 81 articles divided in five Titles, introduces in the national legal order the Directives no. 2006/12/EC on waste and Council and No. 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste. It defines the general system for waste management, including collection, transport, storage, disposal, treatment, valorization and elimination. Moreover, it rules on soil decontamination. Finally, the Decree-Law rules on licensing, registration and control procedures. Among the principles undergoing waste management is worth mentioning: self-sufficiency, management responsibility, prevention and reduction, hierarchy of waste management operations and citizens responsibility.
Date of text
This Decree-Law amends articles 12, 20 and 31 of Decree-Law No. 194/2000, of 21 August 2000 and Article 13 of Decree-Law No. 111/2001 of 6 April 2001. Moreover, it repeals Decree-Law No. 268/98 of 28 August 1998.
Serial Imprint
Di rio da Rep blica, I S rie, No.171, 5 September 2006, pp. 6526-6545.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Decreto-Lei n. 178/2006: Aprova o regime geral da gest o de res duos, transpondo para a ordem jur dica interna a Directiva n. 2006/12/CE, do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 5 de Abril, e a Directiva n. 91/689/CEE, do Conselho, de 12 de Dezembro.