Food Act.
Type of law
This Act sets out principles and requirements for the safety, hygiene and quality of food and animal feedstuffs. The provisions of this Act shall be applied to all stages of production, processing, handling, storage and distribution of food and animal feedstuff, with the exception of food and animals intended for private domestic use and consumption. The Act consists of 20 Parts divided into 113 articles. Part 1 contains preliminary matters and definitions of food and terms employed in the text. The Croatian Food Agency is in charge of all issues contained in the Part 2, i.e. risk analysis, risk communication, risk management, precautionary principles, protection of consumers interests, etc. Part 3 is dedicated to all requirements related to the food safety and hygiene. Part 4 deals with the import and export of the food; Part 5 to the Register Book for the recording of establishments used in the primary production of the food. Part 6 deals with obligations of the food business operators; Part 7 with the novel food; Part 8 with the food quality; Part 9 with the indication of the traditional reputation of food. Part 10 is dedicated to the designations of origin and geographical indications of food; Part 11 to the declaration, labelling and advertising of food; Part 12 covers official control of food safety; Part 13 deals with the official control of the food quality; Part 14 with the general rules governing the control of food quality. Part 15 sets out the rules for the authorised testing and referens laboratories; Part 16 addresses the crisis and emergency management; Part 17 the quality and safety of animal foodstuff; Part 18 establishes the Croatian Food Agency; finally Part 19 deals with the penalty provisions and Part 20 with the final and transitional provisions.
Attached files
Date of text
Serial Imprint
Narodne Novine No. 117, 23 July 2003.
Source language
Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by
Repealed by