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Environment Protection Act (No. 86 of 2000).

Type of law
Date of original text

An Act for the prevention of pollution, the conservation of a varied ecological system, for the promotion of involvement of the public in environmental protection and to provide for ecologically sustainable use of resources and the assessment of effects of economic activities on the environment.
The text consists of 118 sections divided into 16 Chapters: General provisions (I); Decrees and regulations (II); Public offices and their tasks (III); Conditions for environment permits (IV); Competence of offices in relation with granting of permits (V); Procedures of granting of permits (VI); Assessment in relation with the granting of permits (VII); Decisions in relation with granting of permits (VIII); Validity of permits (IX); The duty of notification and introduction in the databank (X); Compensations (XI); Treatment of soil and groundwater (XII); Control and enforcement (XIII); Application for modification and implementation of decisions (XIV); Miscellaneous provisions (XV); Entry into force (XVI).
This is Act generally concerns the prevention of pollution, and applies to all activities that cause or may cause environmental damage. The principles of the Act include: prevention or the restriction of damages to a minimum caution and, precautionary principle, the application of the best available technology (BAT), the best practice from the perspective of the environment (BEP), and the polluter pays principle The integration of the environmental permits system is one of the most important aims of the present text. Application for the environmental permits is made to one authority, and all the environmental effects of the activity will be assessed during the consideration of the permit. The Act defines more explicitly, and in a more integrated manner, the requirements of environmental permits and the prerequisites for granting a permit. The permit requirements are not, however, more strict than before and activities that require a permit have not been added. There are three environmental permit authorities, which decide on the most important environmental permits. These authorities replace the three Water Courts that were abolished in Helsinki, Kuopio and Oulu. Environmental permits of regional significance are still dealt with at the 13 regional environment centres. Other environmental permits will be decided by the environmental protection authority of the municipality. Citizens have greater opportunity to influence the decision-making process since the right to appeal has been extended. In addition NGO's that are involved in environment protection may appeal.
Date of consolidation/reprint
Entry into force notes
Entry into force shall be decided by separate Law.
This Act implements the EU directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) (96/61).The Swedish version is a consolidation as amended by Act No. 137 of 17 February 2006.
Serial Imprint
Finlands F rfattningssamling No. 86-113 of 2000, pp. 272-297 (Swedish .pdf text).
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Milj skyddslag.
Amended by
Implemented by