Forest Law.
Type of law
The 115 articles of this Law are divided into 7 Chapters: General provisions (I); Forests and woodlands in the Continental Region (II); Commercial transactions (III); Karst forests and woodlands (IV); Inspection (V); Penalty provisions (VI); Transitional and final provisions (VII). Chapter II is divided into 9 subchapters: Forest management (1); Administration of protective and special-purpose forests (2); Wildlife (3); Felling designation and licence (4); Protection of forests (5); Forests roads (6); Phytosanitary certificate (7); Property issues (8); Re-grouping and consolidation of forests and woodlands. "Forest" is defined in article 4: "A forest in the sense of this Law is considered a land covered with forest-trees in the form of stand over an area exceeding 1000 sq.m. In terms of use forests can be commercial, protective and special-purpose forests.(art. 5) Forest management as provided for in sub-chapter 1 of chapter II comprises: (1) simple and expanded biological reproduction of forests; (2) utilization of forests and woodlands, plantations and forestry byproducts, sand,stone, gravel and recovery and transportation; (3) use of generally beneficial functions of forests; (4) construction and use of forests roads and forest management facilities.(art. 8) A Forest Management Area consisting of the areas listed in the Annex to this Law, divided into forest management units, is established (arts. 13 and 14). Article 18 provides for the establishment of a public enterprise called "The Forest Enterprise". Functions of this company are outlined in article 22. The enterprise shall administer state-owned forests and woodlands included in the Forest Management Area. Forests and woodlands with the Forest Management Area are administered in conformity with the Forest Management Plan prepared by the Forest Enterprise and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (art. 29) The Plan shall be revised every ten years (art. 31). Chapter III deals with funds required for forest management. "Karst forests" are forests and woodlands in the "karst" areas listed in article 72. The Act is completed by a list of continental forests and woodlands and forest and woodlands in "karst" areas.
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Date of text
Serial Imprint
Narodne Novine No. 140, 28 November 2005.
Source language
Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakon o sumama.
Amended by
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