Loi n 11-009 du 09 juillet 2009 portant Principes Fondamentaux relatifs la Protection de l Environnement. 09 Jul 2011 | Democratic Republic of the Congo Legislation Legislation FAOLEX Download: cng109798.pdf
Programme National de Nutrition (PRONANUT) 2011-2015. 01 Jan 2011 | Democratic Republic of the Congo Legislation Policy FAOLEX Download: cng146486.pdf
Charte Regionale Lac Tanganyika. 16 Dec 2021 | Burundi Democratic Republic of the Congo United Republic of Tanzania Zambia Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: bi-208844.pdf
Plan National d Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques (2022-2026). 01 Nov 2021 | Democratic Republic of the Congo Legislation Policy FAOLEX Download: cng217107.pdf
Arr t minist riel n 017/CAB/MINET/ECONAT/2018 du 30 avril 2018 relatif aux mesures d ex cution du d cret 17/018 du 30 d cembre 2017 portant interdiction de production, d importation, de commercialisation et d utilisation des sacs, sachets, films et autres emballages en plastique. 30 Apr 2018 | Democratic Republic of the Congo Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: Cng189579.pdf
Agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework. 01 Jan 2010 | Burundi Sudan Egypt Ethiopia Eritrea Democratic Republic of the Congo Rwanda Kenya United Republic of Tanzania Uganda Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: mul203276.pdf
African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption. 11 Jul 2003 | Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cabo Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo Côte d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sudan Eswatini United Republic of Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: mul203287.pdf
Arr t interminist riel n 001/CAB/MIN/PME/ 2012 et n 003 CAB/MIN/ECO&COM/2012 du 21 ao t 2012 portant interdiction de fabrication, d'importation ct de commercialisation des emballages non biod gradables. 21 Aug 2012 | Democratic Republic of the Congo Legislation Regulation FAOLEX Download: cng133314.pdf
Convention d'exploitation du Pool Malebo entre la R publique du Congo et la R publique D mocratique du Congo du 22 Novembre 2005. 22 Nov 2005 | Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: cng144681.pdf
Protocole sur les changes des donn es CICOS et Etats Membres, 2008 31 Jan 2008 | Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo Cameroon Central African Republic Legislation Agreement FAOLEX Download: Mul226972.pdf