Regulation (EC) No. 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No. 820/97.
Type of law
The Regulation provides that the Member States shall establish a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals. All animals on a holding born after 31 December 1997 or intended for intra-Community trade after 1 January 1998 shall be identified by an ear tag approved by the competent authority, applied to each ear. Both ear tags shall bear the same unique identification code, which makes it possible to identify each animal individually together with the holding on which it was born.
The ear tag shall be applied within a period to be determined by the Member State as from the birth of the animal and in any case before the animal leaves the holding on which it was born. With the exception of transporters, each keeper of animals shall: keep an up-to-date register, once the computerised database is fully operational, report to the competent authority all movements to and from the holding and all births and deaths of animals on the holding, along with the dates of these events, within a period fixed by the Member State of between three and seven days of the event occurring.
Title II regards the labelling of beef and beef products. Therefore a compulsory labelling system shall ensure a link between, on the one hand, the identification of the carcass, quarter or pieces of meat and, on the other hand, the individual animal or, where this is sufficient to enable the accuracy of the information on the label to be checked, the group of animals concerned. (25 Articles)
The ear tag shall be applied within a period to be determined by the Member State as from the birth of the animal and in any case before the animal leaves the holding on which it was born. With the exception of transporters, each keeper of animals shall: keep an up-to-date register, once the computerised database is fully operational, report to the competent authority all movements to and from the holding and all births and deaths of animals on the holding, along with the dates of these events, within a period fixed by the Member State of between three and seven days of the event occurring.
Title II regards the labelling of beef and beef products. Therefore a compulsory labelling system shall ensure a link between, on the one hand, the identification of the carcass, quarter or pieces of meat and, on the other hand, the individual animal or, where this is sufficient to enable the accuracy of the information on the label to be checked, the group of animals concerned. (25 Articles)
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Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Regulation shall enter into force on 14 August 2000.
The Regulation shall be applicable to beef from animals slaughtered on or after 1 September 2000.
Serial Imprint
Official Journal L 204, 11 August 2000.
Source language
Legislation status
in force
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by