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Law No. 2060-1 of the RSFSR on Environmental Protection.

Type of law


The purpose of the present Law is to promote the formation and enforcement of ecological legislation and to ensure ecological safety on the national territory. This Law consists of 15 Sections composed of 94 articles. Section 1 lays down the General Provisions. Section 2 guarantees the Rights of the Russian nationals to the healthy and favourable environment. Section 3 establishes the economic mechanism of the environmental protection. Section 4 sets up the qualitative requirements for the environmental issues. Section 5 deals with the State Environmental Expertise. Section 6 fixes the environmental requirements for the projection, construction, reconstruction and putting into effect of the industries, constructions and other units. Section 7 sets up the environmental requirements for the exploitation of industries, constructions and other units. Section 8 deals with environmental disasters and emergency situations. Section 9 regards the specially protected areas and sites. Section 10 concerns environmental control. Section 11 covers the issues of environmental upbringing of the youth, environmental education and research. Section 12 deals with the dispute settlement of the environmental issues. Section 13 establishes the liability for environmental offences. Section 14 establishes the compensation for damage caused by the environmental offences. Section 15 deals with the international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.
The environmental issues are regulated by this Law and by other Legislative Acts and the regional administrations. The environmental issues pertaining to the sphere of competence of local administration are regulated in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR on local administration. The State Environmental Institutions are entitled to keep up the State Land Cadastre, the State Water Cadastre, the State Forestry Cadastre, the State Cadastre of Subsoil, the State Cadastre of Wildlife and the State Register of Specially Protected Areas and Sites. The Government guarantees to all environmental and other social organizations operating in the sphere of environment, to all Russian citizens to exercise their rights in the field of environmental protection in accordance with the Federal and Regional Legislation. The officials and single citizens that hinder the constitutional rights and the rights guaranteed by this Law of the Russian nationals are liable to persecution under Federal and Regional Legislation.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
Entry into force from the date of its official promulgation.
The version of this Law must be considered the definitive one. It has been amended by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2397-1 of 1992, by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 5076-1 of 1993. The abbreviation RSFSR stands for Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The Russian Federation is the successor of the RSFSR.
Source language


Legislation status
Legislation Amendment
Implemented by