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Law on marine fisheries.

Type of law

This Law establishes the competent authorities and their tasks, monitoring and control procedures, notification procedures for the mandatory reporting to the European Commission and other competent bodies, complete technical, legal and administrative basis for the correct conduct and sustainable management of the Croatian marine fisheries domain and related sectorial activities and issues.
This Law applies to all fishing vessels, as well as to all natural and legal persons engaged in fishing and farming in the sea of Croatian Republic, also defining the rules aimed to regulate the requirements of participants in the process of placing on the market of fishery products and the implementation of aid to fisheries sector on the Croatian territory.
This Law shall apply to all fishing vessels with the flag of the Croatian Republic, even when engaged in fishing outside of the Croatian territory or sea domain.
This Law further adopts 47 Council Directive in order to implement various international standards on the territory of the Croatian Republic.
This Law is divided into 12 and 82 articles, including offences and related penalties.
Date of text
Entry into force notes
This Law shall be published in the "Official Gazette" and will enter into force on the date of accession of the Republic of Croatian into the European Union.
Source language


Legislation Amendment
Original title
Zakon o morskom ribarstvu.
Implemented by
Repealed by